Government of India has banned manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of the certain Single Use Plastics with effect from 1 July, 2022.
Please click on the link below to know the list of items that have been banned.
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Members are advised to keep a printout of the list at their stores to avoid any confusion amongst store staff about what is not allowed and to prevent an action for non-compliance.
Here’s the list Of Single-Use Plastic Items that have been banned by the Government of India from 1 July 2022
Legal Metrology & Labour Law Workshops were conducted in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata in May & June 2022 which saw participation of around 35 participants each and RAI received excellent feedback for all the workshops.
A delegation from RAI had a virtual meeting with Shri Jayesh Ranjan, Hon. Principal Secretary – Industries & IT, Government of Telangana. The delegation expressed concerns over 24×7 operation, signage issue, development of retail business and employment in Telangana.
Regarding 24×7 operation, Secretary has assured delegation that he will take this forward and also arrange a meeting with the State Home department to discuss implementation challenges. Secretary asked delegation to submit a detailed proposal for changes required in new signage regulations.
The Secretary also invited retailers to start retail business in Hyderabad and other cities in Telangana. Development of an iconic retail street in Telangana similar to downtown Dubai and possibility of running a shopping festival in Telangana were also discussed during the meeting.
The meeting ended on a positive note and Telangana Govt is committed to create a favourable environment for retail.
Update on implementation of 24×7 in the State of Maharashtra & Karnataka
RAI had a fruitful meeting with Smt. Vinita Ved Singal (IAS), Principal Secretary (Labour & Administration), Government of Maharashtra on 7 June 2022.
RAI team discussed with Satheesha SR, Managing Director, Visvesvaraya Trade Promotion Centre (VTPC), Govt of Karnataka and had a very fruitful meeting with Mr. Praveen Ramdurg - Joint Director, VTPC.
In both the States, RAI delegation had a detailed deliberation on the problems with the jurisdictional local police in certain areas. Hon. Principal Secretary and Managing Director confirmed that she will talk to home ministry and set up an inter ministries meeting to resolve this issue. We shall keep you posted on any developments in this regard.
RAI delegation had another fruitful meeting on 14 June 2022 with Karnataka Government to discuss implementation challenges of the 24X7 notification issued by the State Government.
The meeting was chaired by Dr E V Ramana Reddy, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary - Commerce & Industries, Department of Electronics, IT & BT, Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka. It was also attended by Commissioner of police, Principal Secretary of Labour and Managing Director of VTPC.
Delegation highlighted that while the 24X7 notification is effective, the local police authorities do not recognize the notification and ask the business to shut operations early.
The Commissioner of Police confirmed that as per the 2016 order, which stated that commercial establishments can stay open until 1:00 am, will be now followed in the city, however no decision has been taken about the 24x7 business.
It was also confirmed to the delegation that there will be no police interference until 1:00 am for the establishments to stay open. Hon’ble Secretary also assured delegation that he will discuss the implementation 24x7 notification with Home department.
We shall keep you posted once we hear back from the Government.
Update on implementation of 24×7 in the State of Tamil Nadu
RAI has been pursuing all the State Governments to permit 24x7. The 24X7 move by Tamil Nadu Government is definitely welcome because this is an indication that the Government has realized that retail is the sector that contributes to the economy, and is willing to give additional hours to operate business.
Now there is a need to change customer behaviour. Retailers need to analyze customer feedback to see if people even want to come at night for shopping.
This is further to the BMC circular 7 April 2022 which stated that all shops and establishments in Mumbai — irrespective of size — should use Marathi signboards in Devanagari script predominantly. If the signboard displays the name of any shop or business in more than one script, the one in Devanagari script should not be smaller than that of other languages.
BMC issued a circular dated 10 May 2022 and directed all the shops to comply with the said requirement by 31st May 2022. Please click on the link below to view the circular:
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However, RAI had requested for six-month extension. Pls find the representation submitted:
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We are pleased to inform that BMC has extended the deadline for placing Marathi signboards at retail stores by one month in Mumbai till June 30.
RAI’s continuous engagement with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs has resulted into emerging of FAQ, Ministry accepted some of RAI’s proposals. This was launched by Hon’ble Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs & Food & Public Distribution at Vigyan Bhawan on 9 May 2022.
Also launched Legal Metrology, PC Rules 2011 guidebook (with all amendments) composite book
RAI delegation also attended National Workshop on decriminalization of Legal Metrology Act, 2009 organized by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India. Hon’ble Minister Shri Piyush Goyal urged States to support efforts to decriminalize LM ACT for ease of doing business. He sought effective implementation of laws to protect consumer interests without harassment of businesses.
RAI was invited by the ministry to present its views. RAI has strongly suggested to decriminalize the legal metrology Act.
RAI had submitted multiple representations and had a series of meetings with authorities contending that the stocking limits of 30 quintals is grossly inadequate when applied to hypermarkets or large supermarkets. Please find the link to the recent representation submitted on this matter.
Click here
We have been assured by the ministry that they will look in to the matter.
RAI delegation attended National Workshop on decriminalization of Legal Metrology Act, 2009 organized by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India. Hon’ble Minister Shri Piyush Goyal urged States to support efforts to decriminalize LM ACT for ease of doing business. He sought effective implementation of laws to protect consumer interests without harassment of businesses.
RAI was invited by the Ministry to present its views. RAI has strongly suggested to decriminalize the legal metrology Act.
Further, RAI's continuous engagement with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs has resulted into emerging of FAQ, ministry accepted some of RAI's proposals. This was launched by the Hon’ble Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs & Food & Public Distribution at Vigyan Bhawan on 9 May 2022.
Also launched Legal Metrology, PC Rules 2011 guidebook (with all amendments) composite book.
RAI delegation had a fruitful meeting with Ms Veena Kumari - Principal Secretary and officials of Stamp Duty Department - Govt of Uttar Pradesh to discuss rationalization of stamp duty in the State of Uttar Pradesh.
RAI delegation contended that the rate of stamp duty on rent in UP is the highest in the country and Government should consider to reduce the rate of this.
Principal Secretary assured us that she will look into the matter.
Further, she also confirmed that the Govt may issue a clarification that stamp duty would not be applicable on common area maintenance (CAM) charges and GST thereon.
RAI has also submitted representation along with rates of stamp duty in various states to Uttar Pradesh Government.
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